Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Two clips related to our Genre

Our film is of a film noir crossed with post nuclear war theme, so my chosen clips are from the films Sunset Boulevard (Film noir) and Fail Safe (war)

Sunset Boulevard:
Sunset Boulevard is related to our project in the sense that it is a Film Noir, giving dark atmosphere through the script and images.The key relatable feature of this partuicular film is its minor key dramatic soundtrack and dynamic narration common in most films of the Hollywood golden age, the basic orchestra concits of at least a quartet of muscians something that would not be unresonably outlandish to recreate.

Fail Safe:
Fail Safe is directly related to our project in the sense that it is black and white, about a massive nuclear world war and follows closely with direct military decisions it and its direct imapact on the residents involved it makes use of a vast majority of shots we intend to replicate ranging from wide establishing shots to intense dynamic mid shots given the film a feeling of drama . This is very closely related to our as we have black and white iconic imagery, the storyline is of a world war and the dialogue closely follows military movements and actions. 

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